• Phyton-T is the flagship product of GLCTPL
  • Power Plus is the product that both prevents and cures virusdiseases.
  • PLANTON is also an excellent plant protectant against fungi.
  • DRAVYA serves as a pure natural plantnutrient.
  • Green Plus Prevents Diseases and Enhances Productivity
  • WELLWET Natural All Purpose Spray Adjuvant
  • GLSTIN is a versatile fungicide with both prophylactic and curative action.
  • SUPER CHOICE - Multi Micronutrient Mixture
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Product Description:


  • Unique biological product derived from Sea Weed Extract (Sargassum weightii).

  • Contains Biologically activated nutrients, Enzymes, Hydrolyzed protein complexes andPlant growth promoters (Auxins, Gibberllins, Cytokinins, Betaines, etc.).

  • Helps in better nutrient uptake, better root growth better quality and higher yield.

  • Provides resistance to draught and frost conditions.

  • The Product has been tested by various organizations including Agriculural universities and Central Tobacco Research Institute, with proven results onTOBACCO, POTATO and other vegetables.

  • Non-toxic, non-hazardous and safe to use.


  • Increased nutrient uptake.

  • Higher Marketable yield.

  • Better Quality/improved shelf life.

  • Increased Resistance to pests and Diseases.

  • Improved pesticidal Activity.

  • Stronger Growth.

  • Good Seed Germination.

  • Drought and Frost Resistance.

  • Increases leaf size, weight and top grade turn out in tobacco

  • Reduces the loss due to false or premature ripening in tobacco.

Phyton-T is the flagship product of GLCTPL, It is the firstand only plant tonic tested and certified by the CentralTobacco Research Institute, Rajahmundry. Now theproduct is supplied through Tobacco Board, Govt. of Indiato tobacco growers.It is also tested and recommended by University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, to the Potato growers.

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