• Phyton-T is the flagship product of GLCTPL
  • Power Plus is the product that both prevents and cures virusdiseases.
  • PLANTON is also an excellent plant protectant against fungi.
  • DRAVYA serves as a pure natural plantnutrient.
  • Green Plus Prevents Diseases and Enhances Productivity
  • WELLWET Natural All Purpose Spray Adjuvant
  • GLSTIN is a versatile fungicide with both prophylactic and curative action.
  • SUPER CHOICE - Multi Micronutrient Mixture
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Product Description:


PLANTON is a plant protectant - enriched with potassium and phosphorus, provides additional nutrition and helps healthy and vigorous growth of plants. PLANTON is also an excellent plant protectant against Downy Mildews, and other Oomycetous fungi like species of Pythium and Phytophthora.
PLANTON is systemic in action, with both upward and downward movement.

PLANTON mixes well with water and easily gets absorbed by the plants. PLANTON doesnot pose the problem of development of resistance by the pathogens. PLANTON breaksdown into plant nutrients that get absorbed by the plants. PLANTON does not leave anyresidue in the soil or in the final produce.

  • PLANTON is also an excellent plant protectant.

  • It protects the plants by triggering the plant's resistance mechanism.

  • PLANTON being a liquid formulation mixes well with water and gets easily andrapidly absorbed by the plant, before being washed off by the rain, unlike otherpowder formulations.

  • PLANTON is recommended to protect crops from Downy mildews, blights, rots &wilts caused by Phytophthorasps.; soft rots & damping off caused by Pythiumsps.

  • Itcan be used for soil drenching, foliar spray and seed soaking.

  • It does not pose the problem of development of resistance by the pathogens,because of its indirect mode of action.

  • It is compatible with most of the fungicides, insecticides, growth promoters and withbio-control agents.

  • PLANTON is easily degradable in nature thus posing no harm to the environment.

  • Itcan be used for food, vegetable, fruit, ornamental, plantation, medicinal and spice crops.

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